Ze Drive

Ze Drive Extension of product lifespan Sustainable supply Responsible consumption Functional economy FRANCE Web: https://zedrive.fr Contact: contact@thedrive.fr Lacalisation : Saint-André-de-Cubzac (33) Sector: Zero Waste Drive Date of creation: 2020 Date of meeting : 19/04/2021 Maturity of the project : Mature Overview Summary of the project Ze Drive was created by two co-founders: Laura and […]
L’Echo des Bocaux

The local shop l’Echo des Bocaux is a bulk grocery store which democratizes the zero waste consumption to the inhabitants of Saumur.

Ovive recovers shellfish waste from oyster farmers on the French Atlantic coast into animal feed, mainly for gallinaceans.
A La Ferme d’Aunis

A La Ferme d’Aunis Responsible consumption Sustainable supply FRANCE Web: https://www.a-la-ferme-d-aunis.com Contact: alafermedaunis@gmail.com Localisation: Surgères (17) Sector: Producer’s store Date of creation: 2010 Date de meeting: 15/04/2021 Maturity of the projet: Mature A producer’s store Overview Summary project A La ferme d’Aunis is a producer store based in Surgères in Charente-Maritime (17). The producer […]

Trivalis Recycling Industrial and territorial Ecology Responsible consumption FRANCE Web: https://trivalis.fr/ Contact: contact@trivalis.fr Localisation: La Roche-sur-Yon (85) Sector: Waste management Date of création: 1993 Date of meeting: 02/04/2021 Maturity of the project: Achieved Trivalis is the mixed departmental union for the study and treatment of household and similar waste in the Vendée. Overview History […]
Le Drive tout nu

The Drive tout nu Extension of product lifespan Sustainable supply Responsible consumption Functional economy FRANCE Web: https://ledrivetoutnu.com/ Contact: lea.robine@ledrivetoutnu.com Location: Beauzelle (31) Sector: Distribution Date of creation : 2018 Date of analysis: Février 2021 Project maturity : Mature A zero waste drive Aperçu Project summary The concept of the Drive tout nu was born […]
Les Marmites Volantes

Les Marmites Volantes Sustainable Supply Responsible consumption Eco-design Recycling FRANCE Web: www.marmitesvolantes.fr Contact: commercial@marmitesvolantes.fr Localisation: Paris (75) Sector: Catering Date of creation: 2012 Date de meeting: March 2021 Maturity of the project: Mature Overview Summary of the project Les Marmites Volantes is a responsible catering project initiated by its 4 founders in 2011 with […]
Le Potager des Castors

An educational vegetable micro-farm in permaculture.

A zero waste box that is fun and eco-friendly !

Milubo Responsible consumption Fonctional economy Recycling FRANCE Web: https://www.milubo.com/ Contact: hello@milubo.com Localisation: Montreuil (93) Sector: Catering Creation date: 2019 Meeting date: December 2020 Project maturity: Under development Overview Project Summary Milubo is a French company founded in April 2019 in Paris. Milubo offers a “zero waste” solution and a new consumption mode for fast […]