
Echo-Mer Industrial ans territorial ecology Recycling Extension of product lifespan   FRANCE Web: Contact: Localisation: La Rochelle (17) Secteur: Material valorization Date of création: 2001 Date of meeting: 09/04/2021 Maturity of the project : Mature Association for the protection of the seas and the coastal environment. Overview Summary project During a transatlantic crossing, […]


Trivalis Recycling Industrial and territorial Ecology Responsible consumption   FRANCE Web: Contact: Localisation: La Roche-sur-Yon (85) Sector: Waste management Date of création: 1993 Date of meeting: 02/04/2021 Maturity of the project: Achieved Trivalis is the mixed departmental union for the study and treatment of household and similar waste in the Vendée. Overview History […]

Les Marmites Volantes

Les Marmites Volantes Sustainable Supply Responsible consumption Eco-design Recycling   FRANCE Web: Contact: Localisation: Paris (75) Sector: Catering Date of creation: 2012 Date de meeting: March 2021 Maturity of the project: Mature Overview Summary of the project Les Marmites Volantes is a responsible catering project initiated by its 4 founders in 2011 with […]


Milubo Responsible consumption Fonctional economy Recycling   FRANCE Web: Contact: Localisation: Montreuil (93) Sector: Catering Creation date: 2019 Meeting date: December 2020 Project maturity: Under development Overview Project Summary  Milubo is a French company founded in April 2019 in Paris. Milubo offers a “zero waste” solution and a new consumption mode for fast […]


Cocott’arium Extension of product lifespan Responsible consumption Recycling   FRANCE Web: Contact: Localisation: Presles (95) Sector: Fin de vie Creation date: 2018 Date of analysis: novembre 2020 Project maturity: Under development Overview History of the project Born in 2015 during the Jardin Jardin competition, Cocott’arium is an initiative led by Aurélie Deroo that […]

Mister Bin

Mister Bin Recycling   FRANCE Web: mister_bin_officiel Contact: Localisation: Paris Sector: End of life Creation date: Under development Meeting Date: November 2020 Project maturity: Creation overview Mister Bin is an intelligent waste management solution that improves the recycling process where it starts – at home. In France, only 26% of municipal waste was recycled […]


Vépluche is an example of a circular economy solution applied to bio-waste from collective and commercial catering.

The proposed offer is twofold: a free collection of bio-waste and in return for which restaurant owners commit to buying fruits and vegetables proposed by Vépluche.
The collection and distribution of the products is done according to zero-carbon logistics, with the application of the zero-carbon last kilometer rule. To do this, Vépluche uses a super-cargo bike and an electric van to ensure food distribution and waste collection with a reduced carbon footprint.

The bio-waste is composted in their plant based in Châtillon to be transformed into compost, sold in particular to Parisian florists and the city.

Humus & Associés

Between prevention and management of local bio-waste, the association is committed to recovering organic matter in the city in the region of Toulouse in France.

La Brewlangerie

A bakery-brewery that values the co-products of bread and beer in France.